Monday, October 8, 2012

Runner's Fever

Hi, everyone! I am not a professional. I don't even consider myself an athlete. I'm just a "part-time" stay-at-home mom/Zumba instructor that decided to pick up running one day at the encouragement of some friends and also one of my favorite YouTubers. You will hear all about that in the days to come. I made a goal that in my 30th year of life, I would run the full 26.2 miles in the 2014 San Francisco marathon. I am 28 years old right now. I have less than 2 years to train! During my training, I plan on running 5k, 10k, and half marathons! I already have 2 5k races under my belt. If you told a very chubby and VERY pregnant 160 pound Steeny 4 years ago that she'd be training for a marathon in the year 2012, she'd probably think you were crazy. Hahaha! I am a firm believer in the cliche "You can do anything you set your mind to!" To anyone out there with a dream or a goal: I BELIEVE IN YOU! You can do it! And you are going to rock at it. ;)